Thursday, January 26, 2012

Python v1.45 is crawling around

Unofficial copies of the new version of Nokia's Symbian S60 port of programming language Python have been running around for a while, and now it's official: Python v1.45 has crawled to Sourceforge.

Here's the official change log:

* Added the possibility to run Python code in threads that weren't started by Python itself, by adding the functions InitializeForeignThread() and FinalizeForeignThread() to the CSPyInterpreter class. For details see the section "Python/C API Extensions" of the API Reference.
* Added timeout support to globalui module.
* The positioning module has been made safe to use from several threads.
* Support for the "description" field has been added to the calendar module.

Yes, I know: this kind of language is not for human consumption. In plain english it boils down to this: Python v1.45 can do things out of the box that used to take a separate package that you had to sign with a developer certifcate. The benefits will emerge in future (versions of) Python programs.

Speaking of Python programs, a couple of useful ones are:

• EasyEdit, a text editor that's easier to use and offers more features than DEdit and LightNotepad.
• Menu Editor, a program to customise menus, icons, and program names for those who've set their copy of Symbian free.
• FreeAir, a scanner to find open Wi-Fi connections.
• StopCall, a blacklist call filter to block phone calls from those you don't want to speak to.
• SIM directory, a shortcut to your SIM contacts for feature pack 1 and feature pack-less S60 3rd ed. phones
• iPhonesque mod, make your Nokia web browser disguise itself as iPhone, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and more.

Pyton itself doesn't do anything except allow you to run Python programs. Python Script Shell lets you control Python. PyFolder displays your Python scripts as icons inside a virtual folder, which saves you a trip to the Python Script Shell menu.

• Python and Python Script Shell at SourceForge
• PyFolder for quick and easy access to your Python scripts

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